Due to a complex web of culture, history, and geopolitics, our region has become known as one of the hardest places to think through, plan, and execute Christian ministry. These various pressures have prevented many believers and ministries in the MENA region from realizing their full potential and impact.
While we can’t change many of the external pressures put on ministries, our experience has proven that we can help enhance and expand Christian ministry throughout our region.
Our goal is to help our partners think through the challenges and opportunities of our region and then focus our efforts on offering things that enhance our partners’ ability to effectively meet challenges and make the most of the opportunities God has given them.
Our region’s unique complexity also makes it difficult for ministries in our region to imagine how much impact they can have on their neighborhoods, cities, and country.
Our goal is to help our partners think through the challenges and opportunities of where God has placed them and then focus our efforts on creatively offering solutions that expand our partners’ ministry potential and impact.
Our history of living and working within the region provides our organization with unique insights into the various nuances of ministry in a complex area like the Middle East.
These insights enable us to craft projects that enhance and expand the individual ministry of our partners while also achieving significant gospel-sized outcomes for the region.
Our goal is not to come and tell people what to do, but to use our experience to serve others.
Ultimately, we serve others so they can serve others.
Our model and way of doing ministry has allowed the Gospel to spread in unexpected places and at a scale that surpasses expectations, continually reminding us of the greatness of our God.
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The MENA region has one of the largest percentages of young people compared to the total population, found anywhere in the world.
Unfortunately, due to a complex web of cultural, geopolitical, and resource (time, treasure, expertise) issues, local Christians and ministries have largely been unable to focus on effectively reaching this precious population.
New Heights was started in part to “address the complexity” by offering unique, creative, and effective Gospel-shaped solutions to reaching ‘the next gen’ for Christ.
God has blessed our efforts and given us the experience and track record to make us the go-to resource for local and international churches, nonprofits, NGOs, families, and individuals who want to serve the needs of our region’s children.
We believe that ultimately, God is most glorified in the lives of individuals when they are part of what the Scriptures call the “body of believers.” While this body can have many different expressions, it is within the local church where the care and community described in the Scriptures are best expressed.
Our region gave birth to the local church model and has successfully adapted it to meet the various geopolitical, cultural, and practical challenges it has faced for 2000 years.
New Heights was founded, in part, to help the church enhance and expand their ministry to better reach the 'next generation' for Christ.
For us, this means working closely with a wide variety of local churches to develop projects that tackle the ministry challenges they face and enhance their ability to serve their neighbors.
We want others to ‘get the credit’ in the minds of those who are being served through a New Heights-designed project.
This ‘serve others so they can serve others’ model is relatively unique in our region and has allowed us to work on a scale and in places that have historically been 'hard to serve' for organizations (both religious and secular) based outside our region.
Two thousand years ago, a small group of people from the Middle East embarked on a journey of everyday ministry that fundamentally changed the world for the better.
For us, ministry is simply the organized and intentional effort to continually find better ways to love people in the name of Christ so that they may see Him more clearly and love Him more deeply.
To the surprise of many, this happens every day in every corner of our region.
We believe that God chooses to place His people where they live for a reason, and we seek to honor our region’s rich heritage of Christian ministry by developing gospel-shaped projects that help others do just that—ministry where God has placed them.
We often hear this question. As you've noticed elsewhere, our tagline is "we help others reach new heights." Part of that is our intentional effort to ensure that others 'get the credit' for the ministry in which we help design.
Our goal is to introduce as many people, especially children, to Jesus as possible, and we recognize that what we can achieve together far surpasses what we could accomplish alone. This is why we have become a trusted ally to thousands of believers across our region and a valued 'on the ground' partner for many ministries, both local and international, seeking to serve our region.
MENA is shorthand for Middle East North Africa. Our programs extend across what is traditionally known as the ‘Muslim world,’ from Morocco in the west, to Pakistan in the east.
We live and work in the areas where our projects take place, meaning we have unique insight in how to navigate the various complexities of the region. This does not mean that we do not face the dangers of living as minorities in what has been a traditionally hostile majority culture.
But since our organization and team members are well respected and wholly based where we serve, we have been blessed with being able to ‘plant and harvest’ at levels that surprise most of our supporters outside the region.
We have tons of ways to get involved in helping share the love of Jesus with the Middle East.
We are an officially registered 501c3 in the United States. This means we are able to provide tax receipts in accordance with US tax law. If you have questions about donations CONNECT WITH US HERE.
Yes we do! We partner with One Hope to help facilitate our international interns (those who are not from MENA).
We get it! That is why we are easy to email.
2000 years ago, a few dedicated people from the Middle East started sharing the simple message of “Christ is risen.”
As we approach the second millennium anniversary of The Great Commission in 2033, we believe that God is setting the stage for a Christian renaissance in the Middle East.
In light of the upcoming celebrations, we have set ambitious goals for our organization.
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