Our free to use database named linabnihayatom, has grown into the world’s largest collection of Arabic and Farsi language children’s ministry resources.
Linabnihayatom (Arabic for: [insert text]) was developed to address a lack of quality, culturally relevant resources that help our region’s children engage with the scriptures. This free-to-use resource has quickly become the largest database of Arabic children’s ministry tools in the world. Every year, this growing repository of resources is used by countless Arabic-speaking churches, ministry leaders, lay leaders, and families.
You can check out Linabnihayatom for yourself HERE>

As we approach the 2000th anniversary of “the Great Commission” in 2033, we believe that God is setting the stage for a Christian renaissance in the Middle East.
In light of this, we have set ambitious goals for our LinabniHayatahom project.
(tap icon to learn more)