In 2033 the Christian church will be celebrating the 2000th anniversary of the GREAT COMMISSION. In recognition of this, New Heights wants to embark on a gospel project that is worthy of this upcoming celebration.

(more coming soon)

We have spent the past decade building the infrastructure for large-scale gospel ministry through locally-based Christians across the MENA region. This hard work of cultivating trust within a wide network has enabled us to carry out ministry in places once thought impossible. Because of this, we find ourselves at the intersection of having big ideas and the ability to execute them.
Any funds we raise beyond our current funding will allow us to exponentially grow our ability to seize the opportunities God has placed before us and ultimately make a greater impact on the lives of people.
Our vision is based both on reflecting on what God has allowed us to achieve in the past and where we see Him taking us in the future.
We believe that the goals, in relation to the funds needed to achieve them, offer an incredible 'ROI' for people and organizations wanting to invest in gospel ministry for the Middle East.
One of the reasons our organization was founded was to serve the ministry of the local church by dedicating our resources to creatively addressing the various challenges they face in serving people.
Everything we do is in partnership with a vast network of churches, both large and small, throughout the region.
To reflect our commitment to working closely with the local church, we have set a goal of developing resource partnerships with 100+ churches in the West to expand our work with the church in the East.
We view this as an opportunity to show both our region and yours the diverse ways God is blessing and growing His Church.
New Heights has been fortunate that the vast majority of our funding has come from a small group of dedicated partner organizations, churches, and individuals. But as we grow, we know that God is calling us to seek assistance from a more diverse pool of supporters.
We pride ourselves on our ability to work with thousands of partners around the Middle East to make an impact and believe we need to reflect that same attitude in our fundraising goals. We will judge our goals not only by the total amount raised but also by the number of people who choose to partner with us through their support.
Ultimately, we believe that God’s grace is increasingly revealed as more and more people come together to "make light work" of achieving a big Gospel shaped goals.
We acknowledge that ultimately God is responsible for any successes we will get to celebrate. In an effort to reflect our reliance on His grace, we will be launching the "Pray for (ME) Project.” Our desire is not just to generically ask for your 'prayers' but to show you specifically how you can be praying for our region and see how God is answering those prayers.
For us, being rich in prayer is more important than being rich in treasure.